
Weekly development update

Following last weekends ‘workshop’ on the combat system in Empires of the Undergrowth the team has largely gone ahead with bringing the new ideas about. Working alone, John has continued implementing many of the special moves required of the units in the...

Weekly Development Report

Prior to the past two weeks the Slug Disco team were mostly out of the ofifce, with John on an extended holiday in South America and Liam travelling around North America fulfilling tasks relating to his academic research work. Meanwhile, I was largely focussing on...

Happy Christmas and New Year from Slug Disco Studios

The past year has seen Slug Disco Studios come together in development of our first major title, to be formally announced in the next few months. It has also seen us acquire exciting software development agreements for the educational wing of the business, a source of...

Developing our own game engine

It’s high time that I stepped away from the programming tasks and introduced myself to our visitors. My name is Matt and I’m the lead programmer at Slug Disco Studios. I’ve clocked most of my time in C++ so that’s the programming language...