
Gifs and Music

Last week we began a bit of a media drive ramping up to EGX Rezzed. We have been releasing more gifs, screen shots and music than ever before. You can see them by visiting our twitter account and Facebook pages, but here is a selection of them in case you missed them:...

Moving to the Unreal Engine

Happy Christmas Eve! I thought we should chat about this most festive of topics, the move to a pre-built engine. TLDR: Kickstarter showed that PC is the most popular platform for the game so we are focusing on that. We need not be as efficient with our programming for...

A Few New Screenshots

I took some time today to add a few screen shots to the game website. I shall go over them and explain what they are. They are on the main game website at http://www.eotugame.com but also here. First is a nursery with the queen in the background. The worker is...

Why so quiet? Dev Update!

Yes we have been unusually quiet this past week. We will try and post things but there will be a little lull until the last week of the month. But do not fear it is not because we are not doing anything… in fact it is the opposite we are working harder than...

Fire Ant Gameplay

Build-able in two very different ways, in our game the fire ant can act as a temporary shield for your other ants or it can be a brief but intense attack in an area. Keep up with our progress and follow us on Facebook.