
Yes we have been unusually quiet this past week. We will try and post things but there will be a little lull until the last week of the month.

But do not fear it is not because we are not doing anything… in fact it is the opposite we are working harder than ever! Reason being we are attending EGX on the 24th and 25th and so we are getting together a game build and preparing promotional material. By the moths end there should be much more available here for you to sink your teeth in to, and in the following month the main site will get an update as well!

So what exactly have we been doing?

Well as well as fixing other game engine problems, Matt has implemented an entirely new method of texturing our level maps. This is within his editor, and it looks superb. Based on Warcraft III methods the editor is functional and easy to use. It is so easy who knows we may give it away when people buy the game! At the same time save and load features have been implemented. Here is a brief look:

John has been both working on the paperwork we need to get though… yea lets not mention that again, but also continuing through the units. All units are now in the game and some even have all there upgrades in place! Another week or so and that will be a massive tick off the list.

Liam has been getting deeper into the games physics and movement systems ever improving them. Each time I take a look at his work the system feels much nicer and this adds to the overall good feeling of combat. We are taking our time with this as it is very important that we get it right.

Updates will be a little infrequent until the end of the month, but then expect to hear much more from us. Onwards and upwards!