
Kickstarter ends at 180% Funded!

Our Kickstarter ended with a 24 hour live stream, packed full of loads of games, competitions, insect eating and more! We ended at 180% which is an incredible result! We want to thank everybody for really helping out, spreading the word and of course making pledges!...

Great Kickstarter… so far!

We have had a great Kickstarter campaign so far, but it is not over yet! Things are about to explode! We have a great line up planned for our final week on Kickstarter. This will include development streams, a release of a band new demo filled with updated features...

68% reached!

Where to begin! We had an explosion of interest in the project yesterday on Kickstarter. Cutting to the chase we are now 68% funded and rising, that is a jump from 45% yesterday morning. I still can barely believe it! Additionally Kickstarter have featured us at the...